Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Monday Morning Devotion #308

“Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest!” John 4:35b

This year, I had the opportunity of being a small part of Journey to Judea (J2J), a living nativity that our church hosted. During Journey to Judea, I had the blessing of walking through with the Deaf tours. I was asked to assist with the lighting and I was excited to serve alongside others who were ministering to the Deaf. It did not take me long to realize, though, that the Deaf were actually ministering to us as much as we were ministering to them. Their excitement about the “journey” and their eagerness to receive the Gospel was amazing and contagious!

All weekend, I would stand back and just gaze into the faces of these precious people and watch their eyes light up and their faces glow with pure joy as the Story of Christ was proclaimed in their language. I remember one night standing at the cross watching the interpreter tell the story of Christ as HE was judged unjustly, beaten, mocked, and then nailed to the cross. When the interpreter signed, “And then Jesus cried out…”Father forgive them for they know not what they do,” my heart broke! For the first time, I really saw myself in that crowd of mockers and felt the pain of my sin and experienced that horrible moment when the people at the cross realized what they had done and walked away beating their breasts and pulling their hair. My eyes glanced around the Deaf that stood there and one of them signed, “Praise You, God!” My heart just cried out, “Yes Lord! Praise You!”

All weekend, I stood back and just watched the Lord impress His Truth upon the hearts of those who walked through, including my own heart, and each time was more awesome than the next. I never got tired of hearing the Gospel proclaimed and I found myself walking back in the building after each tour praising God for something new that HE had taught me through the “journey.”

As I talked with the Deaf from each group, I heard a common statement – “I have never seen anything like this! I did not know all of that!” My heart grew more and more burdened for those Deaf in our community who have not heard the Gospel and have not been exposed to God’s Word on a regular basis. As the Deaf tours ended, I began to talk with some other visitors who had gone through J2J with other groups and they were saying the same thing…”Wow! I did not know all of that…I learned so much!” God brought John 4:35 to my mind, “Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest!”

All month, the Lord has been quickening my heart to the realization that there are so many around me everyday who have never trusted in Him as their personal Lord and Savior. The Lord continues to impress upon my heart His command that we are called to proclaim His Word to all the nations (see Matthew 28:18-20). The life application question for me is: Do I share the Gospel when the Lord brings that opportunity before me?

During Christmas is a wonderful time for all Believers to stand up and proclaim Christ Jesus to all those around us. Christmas is not just about the birth of Christ but it is also about the REASON Christ came in the form of a baby, grew in statue, and served the Lord obediently even to death! Christ’s birth ushered in the way for man to be reconciled to God. Christmas is a time of celebrating the finished work of the Cross because through the Cross, God provided a cure for sin and death. We are no longer bound to sin but we are free in Christ Jesus to live a life that is full of the abundance of God Himself. We are free from guilt and shame and we have new life in Him! We are vessels for God to use to reveal His truth to others and to draw them to Himself! My Friend, isn’t that truth worth proclaiming to each and every person we meet!?!

Lord, may that be the priority of our hearts. May our lives be a true representation of who you are and may our obedience to the call on our lives lead others to You!
No matter what season, what circumstance, what position we may be in, may we remember that the Lord has placed us there for a divine purpose and HE will use us to shine light into a dark and dying world. “You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven” Matthew 5:14-16.

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